I had a wonderful day at Sts. John and Paul high school and elementary school last Monday, November 24th. Stephen Robison and Brittany DiMare, the high school president and vice-president (above) were my guides and assistants. They were a lot of help and are two very mature leaders. I met honors society students from SJP and also Geneva and Lakeside. I hope all your exciting dreams come true.
I don't have any speaking plans the next few weeks before Christmas, but the book is still selling well. It is still on-line, at the restaurant, at Ashtabula Giant Eagle and bookstores everywhere. If your bookstore doesn't have it - they sold out and can order it! Contact me if you have any problems procurring it.
What's next? Well right after Christmas I am going to Sicily with my family for six weeks. We will spend time with family and hopefully I will get close to finishing that sequel!! In March I have many engagements - The Kent State English Festival, a conference for Madison Middle School Girls, and an appearance at Eastlake Library.
Happy Holidays!!