Monday, March 31, 2008


What fun! Thank you to everyone who came out on such a beautiful sunny day to Wine Country Books for the kick off of The DragonFly Keeper Tour. Pictured above is Cody DeMoss, a fan who has been with the book since its manuscript days.
The day was a success. Of course I went home and collapsed with a fever and felt like someone stuffed my lungs with ice cubes and then sat on me. But yesterday is gone and I am ready to get dressed again. . . soon.
I will be back on the road at Borders in Mentor on Friday night!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Nothing against John Grisham, but I think I just had one of those moments in life that you don't forget.

I was looking forward to putting up my books in Giant Eagle in Geneva. After all, it IS the only grocery store here. If anyone needs coffee or cereal or ground chuck, they get to walk by my smiling face. I noticed that Grisham's new book was on display in the book section and thought, "I definitely have to take a picture of The DragonFly Keeper set up next to this." But when I went in to set them up, the manager actually moved poor John to behind the shelves so that I could have his spot. Imagine that. Of course, everyone probably already has his book (there were only three left on the display), but displacing a best-selling author in a retail store gave me an egotistical boost I just cannot deny.

Hope to see you at the signing on Saturday at Wine Country Books in Geneva!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


A few years ago, a friend of mine, Jan Perala, invited me to become a member of a book club in Geneva called The Modern Literary Forum. It has been around for 50 years and consists of the city's intelligent and cultured (and fun) women. Many are teachers and business owners. I was honored.

Tonight I brought my book to them and was overwhelmed at their response. I can't thank them enough for the support and goodwill they are showing me. I hope that some day when I am on Oprah, I can bring the group to cheer me on in the audience.

Monday, March 17, 2008


As I've mentioned before, I'll be at Wine Country Books Saturday, March 29th from 1-4 for the launch of The DragonFly Keeper, but for those of you who can't make it, I'll also be signing at Borders in Mentor on April 4th, from 4-8. If you are out in the Lake County area, I hope to get a chance to meet you!

And for those of you reading my book already - what do you think?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Today I visited Ms. Thomas' fifth and sixth graders at Washington Elementary. What a great time! They knew so much about the book and the places in it. I especially loved hearing about their favorite parts and characters (it seemed Jiwan and Fritz were very popular as was the part of the worms coming out of the rog's face.) I also want to thank them for the lovely notes and pictures. It is so wonderful to be able to share a story with readers who enjoyed it so much.

Good luck to all of them as they write their own stories. I hope to hear from them by e-mail through my site!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I am very excited to meet the fifth and sixth graders from Mrs. Thomas' class from Washington Elementary. Over the past year they got to have a sneak preview of the manuscript before it was in published form! I can't wait to hear what they think. I will be there Wednesday, March 12th at 9 a.m.

Saturday March 29th I will be at Wine Country Books from 1-4 p.m. signing. It is at 54 Broadway in Downtown Geneva. Hope to see you all there.

On April 16th I will be signing and selling books at the Madison Public Library's annual "Books and Cooks." (I'll probably bring in some restaurant goodies from Alessandro's as well).

Here's a question for all of you readers out there: What's your favorite book and why?

Bye, Tanya

Saturday, March 8, 2008


The restaurant was closed because of no electricity, my sons are throwing up all over the house day and night from a stomach virus, we are in the middle of the winter's worst blizzard, but . . . UPS delivered my books early! How do they do that?

So if you are in the neighborhood of Alessandro's down on lake road in Ashtabula, you can stop in for a copy (or food!). Or you can now order one from my site. Starting April 1st, you can find them in bookstores across the area. If your bookstore isn't carrying it, ask them to order it through AtlasBooks (that's Fava Press's distributor).

Thanks to everyone who have been giving me support and contacts! Annette, Kim, Kenny. Annette Sheldon has her second book "Big Brother Now" coming out in October. "Big Sister Now" is already available.

Well, the review copies are going out (as soon as I can get to the post office). I will post any and all responses to those!

Happy reading out there,


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My first 'fan-mail'!

Thank you to Gitta Racinskas for making my day with her supportive e-mail. To even be in the same sentence as 'Harry Potter' in a positive sense is indeed morale boosting!

The Poster is coming to a bulliten board near you

The DragonFly Keeper will be at Alessandro's this weekend, and will be available for order through my site as well. And now I even have my very own promotional poster! I plan on plastering them all over north-east Ohio. (I ordered 1,000 because they were having a sale.)